Pray for those charged with implementing decisions at the recent Synod.
Pray for Father John McIver, recently deceased.
Pray for Father Deering, recently deceased.
Pray for Father Freddy Denman, recently deceased.
The full text of the cycle of prayer for Britain as released by Bishop Ian is downloadable here. You may prefer a summarised version (A5) which will be easier to handle in church. The first part is downloadable here.
This summary assumes that wherever a Diocese and Bishop is named, the clergy and people should be included in our prayers. Wherever a parish and its priest or other minister is named, the people of the parish should likewise be included.
- Advent Sunday: December 1st, 2024.
- For the Catholic faith, orthodox worship, apostolic order and the evangelical witness of the Traditional Anglican Church. For the Primate: Archbishop Shane Janzen, Archbishop Michael Gill; the College of Bishops; Our Bishop Ordinary; Bishop Ian Gray.
- Advent 2: December 8th, 2024.
- For the Anglican Church in Australia, for the appointment of a new Bishop Ordinary.
- Advent 3; December 15th, 2024.
- For the Anglican Church in Canada, - Diocese of Canada West; for their Metropolitan and Bishop Ordinary; Archbishop Shane Janzen.
- Advent 4 December 22nd, 2024.
- For the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada – Diocese of the East; for their Bishop Ordinary; Bishop Craig Botterill.
- Christmas Day; December 25th, 2024.
- For Christians throughout the world celebrating the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world: That we may faithfully witness to the love and saving grace of our Redeemer.
- Sunday After Christmas, December 29th, 2024.
- For the Traditional Anglican Church in Brazil – the Diocese of Natal and the Diocese of Sao Paulo and Parana; for their Bishops Ordinary; Bishop Albertino Barreiros and Bishop Itabara Jonas.
- Octave Day of Christmas & Circumcision of Our Lord being New Year’s Day January 1st, 2025.
- For peace and goodwill among all peoples, and in prayer that God may pardon our transgressions of the past and bless to us the new year.
- Second Sunday After Christmas: January 5th, 2025.
- For Christian families around the world, that the blessings of God may strengthen the faith, witness and love of fathers, mothers, and children within the sanctity of a Christian home.
- The Epiphany of Our Lord; January 6th, 2025.
- For the clergy and laity at St Gilberts Cathedral, Lincoln. For our Bishop Ordinary, Bishop Ian Gray, Dean, Very Reverend Father Brian Roberts, Precentor Organist and Choir Master Dr Marc B. Naylor. Reader Mr Geoffrey Fairweather. Also, for the spread of the Gospel around the world; in particular, for Christian missionaries at home and abroad: That we may bring Christ to the nations and the nations to Christ.
- Epiphany 1: January 12th, 2025.
- For the Anglican Church in America – Diocese of the North East; for their Bishop Ordinary: Bishop Alexander Webb; for Bishop Brian Marsh & George Langberg, retired.
- Epiphany 2; January 19th, 2025.
- For St Luke’s, The Keep, Bedford, for the Reverend Father Michael Gray, Dean of the South, Deacon Stephen Beet, Clergy and laity. For the Anglican Church in America- diocese of the Easter United States for their Bishop Ordinary; Bishop William Bower.
- Epiphany 3; January 26th, 2025.
- For Aske Chapel, Richmond, North Yorkshire; for their priest Father Peter Adamson, Dean of the North, Reverend Father Christopher Stephenson, Patron, The Marquess of Zetland . For the Anglican Church in America – Diocese of the Missouri Valley; for their Bishop Ordinary: Bishop Patrick Fodor.
- Presentation of Christ & Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary: February 2nd, 2025.
- For the Christian Church around the world: That the Light of Christ may be manifested so that the world may know the Saviour of the world and the Redeemer of humanity.
- Epiphany 5: February 9th, 2025.
- For the Anglican Church in America – Diocese of the West; for their Bishop Ordinary: Bishop Robert Hammond; for Bishop Owen Williams; for retired clergy and laity.
- Septuagesima; February 16th, 2025.
- For the Church of St Cuthbert, Burghill, Herefordshire – Minister of the Eucharist Donald Bartholomew. For the Anglican Church in America, Diocese of Puerto Rico and The Caribbean; for Presiding Bishop (ACA) and Bishop Ordinary; Archbishop Juan Garcia.
- Sexagesima; February 23rd, 2025.
- For the Anglican Church of India; for their Metropolitan, Archbishop Samuel Prakash; Bishop – elect John Ashish.
- Quinquagesima; March 2nd, 2025
- The Church of St Alban and St Henry V1, Meadow Way, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, for the Revd Father Michael Silver. For the Anglican Church in Latin America, for their Presiding Bishop Ordinary, Bishop Ruben Rodriguez.
- Lent 1 March 9th, 2025.
- Saints of Devonshire, Plymouth University Campus, Revd Father Dr Peter Long and Laity. Sussex, Deacon Rev, Mike Wright. For the Anglican Church in Latin America – Western Region of Guatemala; their Suffragan Bishop, Bishop Juan Sion Lobos.
- Lent 2: March 16th, 2025.
- For the Anglican Church in Latin America- District Region of Salvador. For their Suffragan Bishop, Bishop Santos Garcia Tista.
- Lent 3: March 23rd, 2025.
- For the Anglican Church in Southern Africa & Diocese of Southern Africa; for their Metropolitan and Bishop Ordinary, Archbishop Michael Gill: Bishop Suffragan Bishop Stephen Smuts. For the Traditional Anglican Church – Diocese of Zambia.
- Lent 4: March 30th, 2025.
- St Lawrence shared Church Bodmin, Rural Dean Father Keith Bucknell Father Dr Peter Long.
- Passion Sunday; April 6th, 2025.
- For our clergy in Europe, Father Bino, Spain, Father Darvin Sanchez, Germany, Father Stephen Beet, Regional Dean, France. For retired Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Lay Readers across the Traditional Anglican Church, and in thanksgiving for their faithful witness and service to Christ and His church.
- Palm Sunday: April 13th, 2025.
- The Persecuted Church throughout the world, for Christians suffering for the Faith of Christ, and for overcoming of hatred, prejudice and injustice in the world.
- Easter Day: April 20th, 2025.
- For our fellow Christians throughout the world celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. For all who are lost that they seek to find Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
- Octave Day of Easter (Easter 1): April 27th, 2025.
- For those grieving the loss of a loved one, and for all who are uncertain of their salvation: That the Lord of Life and Victor over death may be their consolation and blessed assurance.
- Easter 2: May 4th, 2025.
- Parish of King Charles Martyr, Northampton and their priest & Diocesan Missioner Father Edwin Wagner. For the growth, witness and unity of the traditional Anglican expression of the Christian Faith around the world through the leadership and outreach of the Traditional Anglican Church.
- Easter 3: May 11th, 2025.
- For the Traditional Anglican Church in Britain, Ireland & Europe, for their Metropolitan and Bishop Ordinary Ian Gray. For the work and ministry of the International Anglican Fellowship; for the Board of Directors; Executive Director, Father Ed Ihde; and the Stewards and volunteers across the Traditional Anglican Church.
- Easter 4: April 18th, 2025,
- For the first General Synod of the Traditional Anglican Church, That God may direct, govern and sanctify their deliberations, that the Gospel of Christ may be faithfully preached, the good order of Christ’s holy Church maintained, and the Kingdom of God enlarged and extended. For traditional Anglican Catholic Theological Colleges: That the true faith and orthodox worship of God in the Anglican tradition may be taught and fostered throughout the Traditional Anglican Church.
- Easter 5 Rogation Sunday: May 25th, 2025.
- For Saint Mary’s Church, Caracas, Venezuela: for their Episcopal Visitor, Archbishop Juan Garcia; Deacon Freddy Liendo. For farmers and fishermen, that God may bless their labour that in season we may enjoy the bounty of land and sea.
- Sunday After Ascension Day: June1st, 2025.
- For the Anglican Province of America; in particular, their Presiding Bishop: Archbishop Chandler Jones, SSC.
- Whitsunday – The Day of Pentecost: June 8th, 2025.
- For the unity of all Christian Churches and denominations; That through the power of the Holy Spirit there may be one Faith, One Church, One God and Father of all.